Sabtu, 02 April 2011

descriptive text


Descriptive text adalah sebuah uraian paragraf yang dimana isinya untuk mendeskripsikan benda, tempat, ataupun makhluk hidup Descriptive text selalu biasanya dipakai saat si penulis ingin mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang biasanya penulisannya bersifat umum ke khusus. Biasanya jika penulis ingin menulis descriptive text tentang mahluk hidup maka akan dipaparkan ciri-ciri tubuhnya dan terkadang kebiasaaanya.
Descriptive text memiliki ciri-ciri yaitu :
1. Menggunakan simple present tense2. Mendeskribsikan sesuatu apakah benda, tempat, ataupun makhluk hidup sehingga pembaca dapat mudah   membayangkan apa yang telah dipaparkan oleh penulis.

Descriptive text memiliki generic structure yaitu :
1. Indentification
    Berisi tentang gambaran umum dari hal yang akan di deskribsikan oleh si penulis.
2. Description
    Berisi tentang penjelasan yang lebih merinci tentang hal yang ingin di paparkan, apakah ciri-cirinya(benda ,
    atau makhluk hidup) dan lokasinya(tempat).

Contoh descriptive paragraf :
The cinema
Metro is a very big cinema complex in my city.
It is located in the middle of town near the main shopping centres and mails. The cinema has five theaters. Each theaters
Descriptive text secara garis besar mencerminkan keseluruhan hal yang ingin di deskribsikan oleh si penulis.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

daily activities

Toni’s activates

Toni is a diligent student. He always gets up early. He gets up at five o’clock. After getting up he always cleans his bed, get takes bath and gets dress. He has breakfast at six o’clock. He leaves home for school at seven o’clock. He goes to school by bicycle every day. He can ride a bike very good. The school is near from his home. It takes fifteen minutes to get to school. His favorite lesson is English. He is smartest student in the classroom. He always helps his friends when they difficult answer the questions from teacher.

Questions :
1.      What is the title text above?
2.      What time does Toni gets up?
3.      What time does Toni has breakfast?
4.      Is he diligent student?
5.      How does he go to school?

Please choose the best answer in the parentheses!
(pilih jawaban yg terbaik yang ada di dalam kurung)

1.      She (don’t/doesn’t) go to school.
2.      They (jump/ jumps) on the sofa.
3.      We (doesn’t/ don’t) ride a bicycle.
4.      He(sit/sits) on the chair.
5.      (Do/ does) you and I watch TV every day?
6.      (Do/does) Shinta drive a car every day?
7.      He(feed/feeds) his duck every Sunday?
8.      Shinta and JoJo(sing/sings) Keong Racun song.
9.      My father(reads/read) newspaper in the morning.
10.  Toni(don’t/doesn’t) watch TV.

elementary school

Name          :
Class           :

Please write 15 names of animal!
(Tulislah 15 nama binatang)
  1. ………………………….                   11………………………………
  2. ……………………….....                   12………………………………
  3. ………………………….                   13………………………………
  4. ………………………….                   14………………………………
  5. ………………………….                   15………………………………
  6. ………………………….                  
  7. …………………………                   
  8. ………………………….
  9. ………………………….                  
  10. ………………………….                  
Jumble words

  1. O-U-S-P =                                                      11. C-K-H-I-C-N-E =
  2. E-R-C-A-E-L =                                               12. M-L-I-K-H-S-A-E-K=
  3. O-N-O-L-D--E =                                            13. S-N-E-A-K =
  4. O-R-P-R-I-G-E-D =                                       14. R-G-I-A-F-E-F =
  5. I-S-B-U-C-T-I-S =                                         15. Z-B-E-A-R =
  6. C-N-A-Y-D =                                                 16. C-O-R-C-D-O-L-I-E =
  7. A-C-E-K =                                                      17. S-E-H-E-P =
  8. U-R-B-E-G-R =                                              18. R-S-O-T-O-R-E =
  9. H-C-P-I-S =                                                    19. P-R-O-P-U-C-E-I-N =
  10. L-I-O-L-L-O-P-P =                                        20. S-R-A-D-N-I-S-E =

Please making 10 sentences I have…)
(Buatlah kalimat dengan kata HAVE)
Contoh : I have a dog and a cat.
              (saya mempunyai seekor anjing dan seekor kucing).
